Toxic Metals and Antidotes: The Chelation Therapy Handbook
Cost: $64.99
Metals affect a number of diseases. With our changing environment, the role of toxic metals and their influence on health received medical attention after the 1950s, and the need for intervention is growing. Internationally, physicians are more than ever concerned about environmental diseases. Medical associations such as IBCMT (International Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology) and ABCMT (American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology) are teaching physicians how to diagnose and treat toxic metal exposures.
All chelating agents have a specific metal-binding capacity. EDTA easily binds calcium, iron and lead but is not mercury-specific. DMPS, however, is arsenic, mercury and lead specific but is not very calcium or iron-specific. The DTPAs are not designed to use for the detoxification of these common metals, but are recommended for the treatment of certain radioactive exposures. DMSA, which is considered the antidote with only minor side effects, is used for lead exposure in children. Each chelating agent has its use. Proper administration enhances the treatment success,speeds up recovery.
This book is designed to help physicians determine the chelator of choice. It is a diagnostic guide that helps differentiate between acute and chronic metal exposures, and provides easy to locate information regarding metal related diseases.
ISBN: 9781476084954